All posts by NCUSAR

America, Arabia, and the Gulf: At a Crossroads?

On May 11, 2016, National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Founding President and CEO Dr. John Duke Anthony spoke to members and guests of the Baltimore Council on Foreign Affairs ( on “America, Arabia, and the Gulf: At a Crossroads?”

Dr. John Duke Anthony – America, Arabia, and the Gulf: At a Crossroads? (.mp3)

Video and audio recordings courtesy of the Baltimore Council on Foreign Affairs.

Arabia to Asia: The Myths of an American “Pivot” and Whether or Not There’s a U.S. Strategy Toward the GCC Region

John Duke Anthony – Arabia to Asia: The Myths of an American “Pivot” and Whether or Not There’s a U.S. Strategy Toward the GCC Region

From the National Council’s Arabia, the Gulf, and the GCC Blog