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Category Archives: John Duke Anthony Interviews
بانوراما: الرياض وواشنطن في مواجهة “حرائق” المنطقة
تغريدات ترامب في بداية الأزمة الخليجية لم تكن صائبة
Interview on The John Fredericks Radio Show
Dr. John Duke Anthony joined The John Fredericks Radio Show to discuss the Middle East.
زيارة الأمير محمد بن سلمان تأتي لإعادة التأكيد على عمق العلاقات السعودية – الأميركية وإستراتيجيتها
أنتوني: زيارة الأمير محمد بن سلمان لواشنطن جاءت في وقت مهم وحساس
جون ديوك أنتوني رئيس المجلس الوطني للعلاقات العربية – الأمريكية: نريد تصحيح صورة العرب والمسلمين في أميركا
مبادرة أميركية بتمويل خليجي لإنشاء معهد للثقافة العربية في واشنطن
ACI ‘can help counter false portrayal of Arabs’
جون أنتوني لـ “الشرق”: قطر أحدثت تأثيرات إيجابية في أمريكا عن العرب والمسلمين
Interview with Al Youm (Al Hurra TV)
Dr. John Duke Anthony joined Al Hurra TV’s Al Youm to discuss the Iran nuclear deal. [Program in Arabic.]
Interview with Inside Story on Al Jazeera English
Dr. John Duke Anthony joined Inside Story on Al Jazeera English to discuss the U.S.-GCC Summit in Washington and Camp David, and U.S. pledges to defend its Gulf allies.
Interview with CNN About Yemen
Dr. John Duke Anthony spoke to CNN about possible peace talk strategies between Yemeni militia and the Houthis.
Interview with The Lemonade Stand
Dr. John Duke Anthony appeared on The Lemonade Stand radio show and podcast with host Linda Samuels.
Listen to the Interview (.mp3)
Interview with Al Youm (Al Hurra TV)
Dr. John Duke Anthony joined Al Hurra TV’s Al Youm to discuss Iran, Syria, and President Obama’s upcoming visit to Saudi Arabia. [Program in Arabic.]
#أميركا العلاقات الأميركية السعودية
Posted by Al Youm Show برنامج اليوم on Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Dr. John Duke Anthony on the U.S.-GCC Strategic Cooperation Forum
U.S. Grand Strategy in the Middle East
Dr. John Duke Anthony participated in the Middle East Policy Council’s 71st Capitol Hill Conference, January 16, 2013, on “U.S. Grand Strategy in the Middle East: Is there One?” Full video of the event as well as an unedited transcript are available at www.mepc.org.
John Duke Anthony interview with KSA2 – June 14, 2012
Dr. John Duke Anthony spoke to KSA2 (Saudi Arabian, English-language TV) on June 14, 2012 about the 31st anniversary and growing international importance of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). The GCC is comprised of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Dr. Anthony is the only American to have been invited to each of the GCC’s Ministerial and Heads of State Summits since the GCC’s inception in 1981.
John Duke Anthony on U.S.-Arab Relations
On March 27, 2012, National Council Founding President & CEO Dr. John Duke Anthony spoke at American University on “U.S.-Arab Relations.” The program was sponsored by American University’s Delta Phi Epsilon International Society of Business and Foreign Affairs and the Muslim Student Association. A podcast from Dr. Anthony’s presentation is available below as well as through iTunes.
John Duke Anthony Interview with WAC-DC
World Affairs Council – Washington, DC intern Grace Jeong interviewed Dr. John Duke Anthony, Founding President and CEO of the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations, at the 2011 Summer Institute on International Affairs for Educators.