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Taking Stock of the Saudi Arabian-U.S. Relationship – 2006 Arab-U.S. Policymakers Conference


Dr. John Duke Anthony, President and CEO, National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations; Member, Council on Foreign Relations; Adjunct Associate Professor on Saudi Arabia and Gulf Politics, Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University; author, numerous books, articles, and essays on the Arabian Peninsula, the Gulf Cooperation Council, and the six GCC countries.


Moderator: Ms. Afnan Al-Shuaiby, Advisor to the President of the U.S.-Saudi Arabian Business Council, Washington, D.C.; formerly a business consultant to major U.S. companies and commercial associations, including Walt Disney World Company and the Business Council.

Keynote Speaker: “Saudi Arabia and America: Where Are We Headed?” — H.E. Abdalla A. Alireza, Minister of State, Saudi Arabian Council of Ministers; former Co-Chairman, National U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce.


  • “Saudi Arabian-U.S. Relations: A Balance Sheet on the Issues of Greatest Importance to Both” — The Hon. Robert Jordan, Partner, Baker and Botts; President, Dallas Committee on Foreign Relations; Member, Board of Directors, the John G. Tower Center for Political Studies; in addition to having served as personal attorney to President George W. Bush, he was U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia 2001-2003.
  • “The Dynamics of Educational Reform in the Kingdom: A Balance Sheet” —H.E. Dr. Khalil Al-Khalil, Member, Majlis ash-Shura [National Consultative Council], Riyadh and Professor, Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University, Riyadh.
  • “Women’s Rights and Development in the Kingdom: An Analytical Assessment” — Dr. Eleanor Abdella Doumato, Visiting Fellow at the Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island; former president of the Association for Middle East Women’s Studies; co-editor of, inter alia, Getting God’s Ear: Women, Islam, and Healing in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf, plus author of essays on women in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in the Gulf in numerous edited volumes and monographs as well as scholarly journals and encyclopedias.


America and Arabia: Where Matters Stand

John Duke Anthony and M. Scott Bortot – America and Arabia: Where Matters Stand (.pdf file).

A special report drawing on the proceedings of the 13th Annual Arab-U.S. Policymakers Conference. The conference title and theme was “Restoring Arab-U.S. Mutual Trust and Confidence: What is Feasible? — What is Necessary?” The report is from Dr. John Duke Anthony, National Council on U.S. Relations President and CEO, and Mr. M. Scott Bortot, former editor of Trade Lines, a publication of the National U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce.

Iraq According to Al-Jazeerah, U.S. Senator John S. McCain, and Dr. John Duke Anthony

Iraq According to Al-Jazeerah, U.S. Senator John S. McCain, and Dr. John Duke Anthony (.pdf file).

U.S. Senator John S. McCain delivered a major address on Iraq on November 5, 2003, when he spoke to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). His remarks were “on the record.” The Senator’s remarks and recommendations were the subject of much comment and analysis in the mainstream American media, including the major Sunday television network talk shows. Immediately following the Senator’s address and the discussion that ensued, Qatar’s Al-Jazeerah, the Arab world’s foremost satellite television network, interviewed CFR member Dr. John Duke Anthony.