Arab North Africa in Focus [2022 Arab-US Policymakers Conference]

The 31st Annual Arab-U.S. Policymakers Conference, Arab-U.S. Uncertainties: What Lies Ahead?, convened at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, D.C., on November 2-3, 2022. These are some of the conference proceedings.


“Arab North Africa in Focus”


Dr. William Lawrence – Arab North Africa specialist and former diplomat; American University School of International Service Professor; National Council International Advisory Board Member.

Dr. John Duke Anthony – National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Founding President and Chief Executive Officer.

The Arab-U.S. Policymakers Conference is the signature annual symposium organized and administered by the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations.

Surveying Geo-Political Dynamics in Arab North Africa: What Implications for the United States and the Region?

On January 27, 2022, the National Council convened an online program “Surveying Geo-Political Dynamics in Arab North Africa: What Implications for the United States and the Region?”



Joining the program were:

Featured Specialist:

  • Dr. William Lawrence, American University School of International Service Professor and C&O Resources Senior Advisor; Analyst, Educator, International Programs Director, and Former Diplomat.

Context Provider:

  • Dr. John Duke Anthony, National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Founding President and CEO.

Audio and video recordings of the program are available above and below, and on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and elsewhere.

“Surveying Geo-Political Dynamics in Arab North Africa: What Implications for the United States and the Region?” podcast (.mp3)