Arab-U.S. Relations Amidst Transition within Constancy – Oct. 25-26 in Washington, DC

Register now for the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations’ 21st Arab-U.S. Policymakers Conference, “Arab-U.S. Relations Amidst Transition within Constancy: Implications for American and Arab Interests and Policies.” The conference will be held at the Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington, D.C. Visit the links below to learn more.

Infrastructure and Business Opportunities in North Africa

On September 6, 2012, the National Council, the U.S.-GCC Corporate Cooperation Committee, the National U.S.-Arab Chamber of Commerce, and Sidar Global Advisors hosted a public affairs briefing on “Infrastructure and Business Opportunities in North Africa” at the City Club in Washington, DC. Speakers included Dr. John Duke Anthony, Ms. Deborah McCarthy, Mr. Carl Kress, Ms. Randa Fahmy Hudome, Ms. Laura Lombard, Mr. Steven Mayo, and Mr. Curtis Silvers.

Links to a podcast of the program and remarks by Ms. Deborah McCarthy are available below. The podcast, along with recordings of other National Council programs, is also available through iTunes:

“Infrastructure and Business Opportunities in North Africa” podcast (.mp3)

NCUSAR Recognized Again For Exceptional Accountability and Fiscal Management

The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations has again been awarded a Four Star Rating by Charity Navigator, America’s premier independent charity evaluator. Charity Navigator helps charitable givers make intelligent giving decisions by providing in-depth, objective ratings and analysis of the financial health of America’s largest charities. In earning Charity Navigator’s highest four star rating, the Council was deemed to have demonstrated exceptional financial health, outperforming most of its peers in the management and growth of its finances in the most fiscally responsible manner possible.

The National Council is also a member of the BBB Wise Giving Alliance, demonstrating that the Council meets all 20 of the BBB’s Standards for Charity Accountability. The BBB’s organizational evaluation involves rigorous scrutiny of governance, effectiveness, finances and solicitations, and informational materials. The overarching principle of the BBB Wise Giving Alliance Standards for Charity Accountability is full disclosure to donors and potential donors at the time of solicitation and thereafter.

Seventeenth Annual Oman Cultural Immersion Program — February 13-27, 2013

Applications Now Being Accepted for the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations’

Seventeenth Annual
Oman Cultural Immersion Program

February 13-27, 2013

The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations is pleased to offer, through its Joseph J. Malone Fellowship in Arab and Islamic Studies Program, the Seventeenth Annual Oman Cultural Immersion study visit to the Sultanate of Oman February 15-27, 2013. Fellows are required to participate in and complete a pre-departure orientation in Washington, D.C. to be held on February 13-14. This unique opportunity will provide a privileged first hand exposure to one of the Arab world’s most demographically, geographically, and socially diverse countries.The National Council is currently accepting applications to participate in this study visit. APPLY NOW!

American professionals in academia, government, the military, non-governmental organizations, business, religious institutions, the media, civic associations, as well as the fine arts, humanities, and the social sciences are invited to apply.

The Seventeenth Annual Oman Cultural Immersion study visit will provide participants an educational experience that few Westerners and even fewer Americans have had. The program is choreographed to provide Malone Fellows an unparalleled diverse exposure to Oman — one of the most historically and culturally rich of all Arab and Islamic societies. Until relatively recent times, the Sultanate languished in its status as one of the most forgotten corners of all Arabia. Anyone in doubt about the extraordinary opportunity that being able to visit Oman in this manner presents need only consult any of the several National Geographic Magazine features on the country in the past two decades.


End Pictures: inlaid Islamic niches at the Grand Mosque in Oman's Capital Territory; Middle Pictures: Bedouin Omani girls in the Sharqiyyah Sands.

End Pictures: inlaid Islamic niches at the Grand Mosque in Oman's Capital Territory; Middle Pictures: Bedouin Omani girls in the Sharqiyyah Sands.

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NCUSAR Student Study Visit to Lebanon, Summer 2012

From June 21-July 3, 2012, the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations, in partnership with the Lebanon Renaissance Foundation, organized and escorted ten students on a study visit to Lebanon. The delegation was made up primarily of alumni from the Council’s Model Arab League Student Leadership Development Program. Through the study visit the students gained direct personal experience in Lebanese culture, society, and economics, and came away with a more deeply informed knowledge of Lebanon’s strategic aims and requirements as they pertain to Lebanese-U.S. relations and Lebanon’s role in regional and world affairs.

Student Study Visit to Lebanon, July 2012

Teaching Islamic and Middle East Politics: The Model Arab League as a Learning Venue

This article from National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations’ Malone Fellow and Model Arab League faculty advisor Dr. Joe P. Dunn highlights the Council’s Model Arab League Student Leadership Development Program. Originally published in the Journal of Political Science, Vol. 30 (2002), pages 121-129, it is reprinted with the kind permission of the author and publication.

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2012 Washington, DC Summer Internship Program

The National Council recently completed its 2012 Washington, DC Summer Internship Program, which offers undergraduate and graduate students a ten-week professional, academic, and career opportunity internship in the Nation’s Capital. The program features an energizing and demanding mix of professional involvement, intellectual challenge, career exploration, and cultural encounter designed to provide interns with a rich and varied experience during their time in Washington.

NCUSAR Organizes & Escorts a Delegation of West Point Cadets on a Study Visit to the UAE; Delegation Meets with U.S. Defense Secretary Panetta

Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research

Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research

The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations, in coordination with the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR), organized and led a March 9 – 17, 2012 study visit to the United Arab Emirates for the United States Military Academy (USMA) in West Point, New York. The Academy’s delegation was comprised of nine Cadets and two faculty members.  The visit provided the Cadets an opportunity to explore the dynamics of some of the major economic, political, and social determinants of UAE culture as well as the country’s modernization and development.

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