NCUSAR Delegation Visits Oman, February 2013

The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations delegation, led by Dr. John Duke Anthony, meets with Khalid bin Hilal al Maawali, Chairman of Oman’s Majlis Ash’shura. Photo: Oman Daily Observer.

The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations’ Seventeenth Annual Oman Cultural Immersion Program is close to completion, having provided a delegation of Malone Fellows with an unparalleled diverse exposure to Oman — one of the most historically and culturally rich of all Arab and Islamic societies. More materials from the study visit will be forthcoming but below is a collection of articles highlighting some of the meetings that National Council Founding President & CEO Dr. John Duke Anthony was able to take part in during the delegation’s time in Oman.

Summer Intensive Language Program at AFKAR Academy in Jordan

The National Council, in collaboration with AFKAR Academy, is pleased to announce a 2013 Summer Intensive Arabic Program to be held at Yarmouk University, Jordan, from June 9 to July 19, 2013. Students will spend six weeks in the historic city of Irbid taking part in intensive Arabic language study.

The program offers 16 in-class contact hours of Arabic language instruction per week for six weeks, as well as 10 hours weekly with language partners in small groups to practice learned material and learn survival Jordanian Arabic. This program is ideal for students seeking to further their proficiency in Arabic language and exposure to Arab culture. Students enrolling in this program should be able to obtain the equivalent of 6 college level credit hours in Arabic.

Students who have finished one year of Arabic study or more are especially encouraged to apply. While the Program accepts applications from students with no prior knowledge of Arabic, priority will be given to students who have previous exposure to Arabic language and culture.

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NCUSAR US Air Force Academy Study Visit to the UAE, November 2012

The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations, in coordination with the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research in Abu Dhabi, escorted a delegation of cadets from the United States Air Force Academy on a study visit to the UAE in November 2012. The visit provided the cadets with an opportunity to explore the dynamics of some of the major economic, political, and social determinants of UAE culture as well as the country’s modernization and development.

NCUSAR Model Arab League Study Visit to Saudi Arabia, Winter 2013

The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations, in partnership with the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission and Saudi Arabian Ministry of Higher Education, escorted a delegation of Model Arab League students on a cultural immersion study visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, December 27, 2012-January 7, 2013. During the course of the visit, the students met Saudi Arabian educators, business representatives, civil society leaders, and American diplomats in addition to visiting numerous sites of cultural and historical interest. The study visit provided the young American leaders a hands-on experience in the Arab world that few others their age have had.

Model Arab League Study Visit to Saudi Arabia, January 2013

Save the Date — 22nd Annual Arab-U.S. Policymakers Conference scheduled for October 22 – 23, 2013

The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations is pleased to announce the 22nd Annual Arab-U.S. Policymakers Conference has been scheduled for October 22 – 23, 2013 (Tuesday – Wednesday). The conference will again be held at the Ronald Reagan Building & International Trade Center, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. Information about sponsorship opportunities for the 2013 Arab-U.S. Policymakers Conference along with transcripts, audio, and video recordings of the 2012 conference are available through the links below.

Chuck Hagel Remarks at the 2007 Arab-U.S. Policymakers Conference

Senator Chuck Hagel at the 2007 Arab-U.S. Policymakers Conference

Senator Chuck Hagel served as a keynote speaker at the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations’ 2007 Arab-U.S. Policymakers Conference. Senator Hagel, then near the end of his second term in the U.S. Senate, spoke about the fundamental similarities underpinning U.S.-Arab relations, noting:

We’re all the same in the most fundamental ways.  It matters little what your religion is, what your color of your skin is, what region of the world is your background, what your culture is, what your tradition is, what your history is.  What matters most?  Family, peace, opportunity, some ability of some human dignity, to express that dignity, to express your opinions, to express some sense of liberty, your own choice.  That’s not unique to Christianity or Judaism or Islam, that I’m aware of.  It is a common interest; it is a common purpose for all mankind.

Senator Hagel’s complete remarks are available below.

Listen to Senator Hagel’s remarks (.mp3)

Click to access 1025-Luncheon-Aujali-Hagel.pdf

Summer 2013 Arabic Language Study Abroad Opportunities

The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations is pleased to offer students the following Summer 2013 Arabic language study abroad opportunities:


Summer Intensive Language Program at The Arab-American Language Institute in Morocco 

The National Council, in collaboration with The Arab-American Language Institute in Morocco (AALIM) for the summer of 2013, is pleased to announce its Summer Language program in the Kingdom of Morocco. Students will spend six weeks in historic Meknes, Morocco taking part in an intensive Arabic language program. Students at all levels of Arabic proficiency are encouraged to apply. The AALIM center is host to a community of Arabic learners throughout the summer, providing for a fully immersive program. Those selected will also gain direct personal experience in Moroccan culture, history, and society through a variety of day excursions, local outings, workshops and demonstrations.

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Summer Institute for Intensive Arabic Language and Culture at Lebanese American University 

Summer Institute for Intensive Arabic Language and Culture (SINARC)The Summer Institute for Intensive Arabic Language and Culture (SINARC) is a multi-faceted language and cultural immersion program that welcomes students from all over the world. The SINARC program is hosted each year at the Lebanese American University (Beirut Campus), one of the premier institutions of higher education and research in Lebanon and the region. SINARC offers courses in Arabic language and culture at various levels of proficiency. Cultural activities include weekly lectures on topics related to Arab and Lebanese politics, history, society, and culture. In addition, students partake in a series of excursions to historical, cultural and tourist sites.

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