His Excellency Sheikh Ahmed bin Jassim Al Thani, the Qatar Minister of Economy and Commerce, Joins National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations and Mrs. Matilda Cuomo to Ring the NASDAQ Stock Market Opening Bell


A delegation from the State of Qatar, led by Qatar’s Minister of Economy and Commerce His Excellency Sheikh Ahmed bin Jassim Al Thani, will join Dr. John Duke Anthony and the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations along with Mrs. Matilda Cuomo to visit to the NASDAQ MarketSite in Times Square to ring the Opening Bell on Friday, September 26, 2014.

Qatar, host of the 2022 World Cup, shares a robust economic, defense, cultural, and educational relationship with the United States. The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations is a Washington, DC-based non-profit, non-governmental, educational organization dedicated to improving American knowledge and understanding of the Arab world. Dr. John Duke Anthony is the Founding President & CEO of the National Council. The delegation will be joined by the former First Lady of New York State and longtime advocate on behalf of women, children and families, Mrs. Matilda Cuomo, to ring the Opening Bell.


NASDAQ MarketSite – 4 Times Square – 43rd & Broadway – Broadcast Studio


Friday, September 26, 2014 – 9:15 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. ET


National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Contact:
Pat Mancino
(202) 293-6466

NASDAQ MarketSite:
Christine Barna
(646) 441-5310

Follow the Ceremony:

A webcast of the NASDAQ Opening Bell will be available at: 
https://new.livestream.com/nasdaq/live or 

For multimedia features such as exclusive content, photo postings, status updates and video of bell ceremonies visit NASDAQ’s Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/NASDAQ.

For photos from ceremonies and events visit NASDAQ’s Instagram Page: http://instagram.com/nasdaq.


To obtain a hi-resolution photograph of the Market Open, go tohttp://www.nasdaq.com/reference/marketsite_events.stm and click on the date of your choice.

Feed Information:

Fiber Line (Encompass Waterfront): 4463

Gal 3C/06C 95.05 degrees West
18 mhz Lower
DL 3811 Vertical
FEC 3/4
SR 13.235
DR 18.295411
MOD 4:2:0

About The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations:

Founded in 1983, the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations (NCUSAR) is an American non-profit, non-governmental, educational organization dedicated to improving American knowledge and understanding of the Arab countries, the Mideast, and the Islamic world. Its means for doing so encompass but are not limited to programs for leadership development, people-to-people exchanges, lectures, publications, an annual Arab-U.S. policymakers conference, and the participation of American students and faculty in Arab world study experiences. The National Council’s vision is a relationship between the United States and its Arab partners, friends, and allies that rests on as solid and enduring a foundation as possible. To learn more, visit www.ncusar.org.

About NASDAQ OMX Group:

NASDAQ OMX (Nasdaq:NDAQ) is a leading provider of trading, exchange technology, information and public company services across six continents. Through its diverse portfolio of solutions, NASDAQ OMX enables customers to plan, optimize and execute their business vision with confidence, using proven technologies that provide transparency and insight for navigating today’s global capital markets. As the creator of the world’s first electronic stock market, its technology powers more than 70 marketplaces in 50 countries, and 1 in 10 of the world’s securities transactions. NASDAQ OMX is home to more than 3,400 listed companies with a market value of over $8.5 trillion and more than 10,000 corporate clients. To learn more, visit www.nasdaqomx.com. 

Special Study Visit Opportunities for Model Arab League Alumni

The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations is pleased to offer students and faculty members who have taken part in the Model Arab League program unique opportunities to travel to Qatar and Saudi Arabia this fall and winter.


Qatar Exchange Fellowship

Tentative study visit dates: November 28 – December 6, 2014

Application deadline: September 26, 2014

Learn more and access applications: http://ncusar.org/modelarableague/other-ncusar-student-program/qatar-exchange-fellowship/

Saudi Arabia Exchange Fellowship

Tentative study visit dates: December 26, 2014 – January 5, 2015

Application deadline: September 23, 2014

Learn more and access applications: http://ncusar.org/modelarableague/other-ncusar-student-program/saudi-arabia-exchange-fellowship/

Applicants must have previously participated in the Model Arab League program as a student delegate or a faculty adviser to apply for these fellowships. Both programs are considered expenses-paid – this includes international round-trip airfare from Washington, DC to the host country; visa application fee; and all in-country programming, accommodations, transportation, and meals. Fellows are required to cover their own expenses to travel to Washington, DC for the pre-departure orientation and home after the conclusion of the study visit portion of the program. All participants must hold a U.S. Passport that will not expire before July 2015.

Contact Josh Hilbrand (josh@ncusar.org or 202-293-6466) at the National Council if you have any questions.

2014 Washington, DC Summer Internship Program Pictures

The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations’ 2014 Washington, DC Summer Internship Program brought 25 undergraduate and graduate students to the nation’s capital for a unique ten-week professional, academic, and career exploration opportunity. As always, the program featured a demanding mix of professional involvement, intellectual challenge, and cultural encounters designed to provide interns with a rich and varied experience during their time in Washington. Interns were placed with one of over a dozen Near East and Arab world-related organizations in Washington, where they worked full-time under the direct supervision of their host organizations. Interns also took part in twice-weekly seminar sessions designed to provide them with greater depth of knowledge about the Arab world, to underscore the cultural, economic, and political diversity of Arab states, and to explore the intricacies of Arab-U.S. relations. Additionally, interns received a behind-the-scenes look at many of the central institutions of federal government, national security policymaking, international diplomacy, and international business.

Some pictures from the 2014 Washington, DC Summer Internship Program are available below.

Click ‘Continue Reading’ to view the full gallery.

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Dynamics of Regional Crises Run Amok: Implications for Arab and U.S. Interests and Policies

On August 20, 2014, the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations and the U.S.-GCC Corporate Cooperation Committee hosted a public affairs briefing on “Dynamics of Regional Crises Run Amok: Implications for Arab and U.S. Interests and Policies” in Washington, DC. Featured specialists included Ambassador Samir Sumaida’ie, Former Ambassador of Iraq to the United States (2006-2011) and Former Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United Nations (2004-2006); Professor David Des Roches, Senior Military Fellow, Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies, National Defense University, and Malone Fellow in Arab and Islamic Studies to Syria; Dr. Imad Harb, Distinguished International Affairs Fellow, National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations; Dr. Thomas Mattair, Executive Director, Middle East Policy Council; Mr. Matthew A. Reynolds, North America Representative, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA); and Mr. Joshua Yaphe, Arabian Peninsula Analyst, U.S. Department of State Bureau of Intelligence and Research. Dr. John Duke Anthony, Founding President & CEO of the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations, served as moderator.

A video recording and a podcast of the program are available below. The podcast can also be found in iTunes along with recordings of other National Council programs: http://bit.ly/itunes-ncusar.

“Dynamics of Regional Crises Run Amok” podcast (.mp3)

NCUSAR Launches New High School Model Arab League in Chicago


Model Arab League helps prepare students to be knowledgeable, well-trained, and effective citizens as well as civic and public affairs leaders.

Chicagoland high school students are invited to participate in the 2014 Chicago High School Model Arab League, an academic, diplomatic simulation of the League of Arab States. The conference will be held at DePaul University, October 31 – November 1, 2014.

Each academic year over 2,000 students participate in Model Arab Leagues across the United States and the world. Through participation in the Model Arab League program students develop essential skills from leadership and public speaking to critical thinking and writing, all while also gaining practical, immediate knowledge about a critical region — the Middle East and the Arab world.

Forming a team for a Model Arab League conference is simple! Any size group of students may form a team and register online to receive a country assignment. Your team will then research its country’s policies on the most important issues facing the Arab world and Middle East today. Finally, you will practice the rules of debate found in the MAL Handbook before attending the conference over the weekend.

Find conference details, country assignments, and more on the Model Arab League website.

Want to Learn More & Get Involved???

Contact Josh Hilbrand, Deputy Director of Student Programs at the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations, at 202-293-6466 or via email at josh@ncusar.org, to find out how to take part in the program.

Links for More Information:

Upcoming Event: “Dynamics of Regional Crises Run Amok” – August 20 in Washington, DC

On August 20, 2014, the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations and the U.S.-GCC Corporate Cooperation Committee are hosting a public affairs briefing on “Dynamics of Regional Crises Run Amok: Implications for Arab and U.S. Interests and Policies.” Dr. John Duke Anthony, Founding President & CEO, National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations, will serve as moderator. Featured specialists include Ambassador Samir Sumaida’ie, Former Ambassador of Iraq to the United States (2006-2011) and Former Permanent Representative of Iraq to the United Nations (2004-2006); Professor David Des Roches, Senior Military Fellow, Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies, National Defense University and Malone Fellow in Arab and Islamic Studies to Syria; Dr. Imad Harb, Distinguished International Affairs Fellow, National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations; Dr. Thomas Mattair, Executive Director, Middle East Policy Council; Mr. Matthew A. Reynolds, North America Representative, United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA); and Mr. Joshua Yaphe, Arabian Peninsula Analyst, U.S. Department of State Bureau of Intelligence and Research .


Wednesday, August 20, 2014
1:00 – 1:30 p.m. – Refreshments / Networking
1:30 – 3:00 p.m. – Remarks / Q&A


Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP
First Floor Conference Room
1875 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006


The event is free but R.S.V.P. (acceptances only) via email to rsvp@ncusar.org is required.

Please note: seating capacity is limited. Include the following information when you R.S.V.P.:

If you have any questions you can call the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations at (202) 293-6466.

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2014 Summer Intern Model Arab League Pictures

The 2014 Summer Intern Model Arab League, held July 12 in Washington, DC, brought together 42 students (33 of them first-time MAL participants) for an intensive, one-day introduction to the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations’ flagship student leadership development program. Through participation in Model Arab League (MAL) students learn about the politics and history of the Arab world, and the arts of diplomacy and public speech. MAL helps prepare students to be knowledgeable, well-trained, and effective citizens as well as civic and public affairs leaders. During the upcoming 2014-15 academic year the National Council will hold 22 MALs for high school and collegiate students throughout the United States. Some pictures from the 2014 Summer Intern Model are available below.

Click ‘Continue Reading’ to view the full gallery from the 2014 Summer Intern Model Arab League.

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Council Chronicle Vol. 7, No. 4 (2013) Now Available

apc-300x200The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations is pleased to provide the twenty-third edition of the Council Chronicle, the Council’s periodic newsletter. The Chronicle seeks to keep the Council’s alumni, donors, and other supporters informed and updated. One among other efforts to do so on an ongoing basis is achieved by presenting highlights and special reports on the Council’s programs, events, and activities. For new readers interested in learning more about the Council’s vision and mission, together with the ways and means it utilizes to pursue both objectives, please visit the Council’s website at ncusar.org.

ACCESS Council Chronicle Vol. 7, No. 4 (.pdf)

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