Gulf in the News – August 30, 2012

UAE urges for peaceful solution to occupied islands

Source: Gulf Today (read full story)

TEHRAN: The UAE is committed to all the principles on which the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) was established, in particular respecting the sovereignty of states, the settlement of conflicts through peaceful means as well as the rejection of foreign occupation, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Dr Anwar Mohammed Gergash said in a statement at the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Summit in Tehran.

“Based on this, and in emphasis of cementing the historic relations and good neighbour policy, the UAE calls on Iran to respond to its calls to find a peaceful and just solution to the issue of the UAE’s islands of Abu Musa, Greater Tunb and Lesser Tunb which are currently occupied by the Islamic Republic of Iran either through bilateral negotiations or by referring the case to the International Court of Justice,” Gergash added.

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Gulf in the News – August 27, 2012

U.S. Arms Sales Make Up Most of Global Market

Source: The New York Times (read full story)

These Gulf states do not share a border with Iran, and their arms purchases focused on expensive warplanes and complex missile defense systems.

The report was prepared by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, a division of the Library of Congress. The annual study, written by Richard F. Grimmett and Paul K. Kerr and delivered to Congress on Friday, is considered the most detailed collection of unclassified arms sales data available to the public.

The agreements with Saudi Arabia included the purchase of 84 advanced F-15 fighters, a variety of ammunition, missiles and logistics support, and upgrades of 70 of the F-15 fighters in the current fleet.

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Gulf in the News – August 24, 2012

US sends aircraft carrier back to Gulf to face Iran

Source: Kuwait Times (read full story)

The US Navy is cutting short home leave for the crew of one of its aircraft carriers and sending them back to the Middle East next week to counter any threat from Iran, according to the official Navy News Service. Defence Secretary Leon Panetta told sailors aboard the USS Stennis in their home port of Seattle on Wednesday they were needed back in the Middle East soon, after approving calls from the US Central Command for Stennis to return to the region. “Obviously, Iran is one of those threats,” the US military news service quoted Panetta as saying during a sendoff event at a military base on the US West Coast. “Secondly, it is the turmoil in Syria,” he said. “We’re obviously following that closely as well.”

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Gulf in the News – August 23, 2012

Saudi King’s efforts to unite Ummah applauded

Source: Arab News (read full story)

King Abdullah has presented an effective solution to end the division and disruption in the Islamic world. “In his speech at the Islamic summit, King Abdullah warned against sedition, which has been the main reason for blood-shedding in the Islamic world. He said King Abdullah’s speech presented a roadmap for Muslim unity. He hoped the Muslim Ummah would accelerate its efforts to implement the king’s proposal.

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Gulf in the News – August 20, 2012

‘Issues with Kuwait will be finalized before year end

Source: Kuwait Times (Read full story)

Baghdad seeks to end all pending issues with Kuwait before the end of this year in order to restore the bilateral relations to their level during the 1980’s, the Iraqi government said in a recent statement. “Iraqi will end all pending issues with Kuwait before the start of next year; at which point there will be no obligations,” the statement reads, adding that the troubled relations between Kuwait and Iraq following the 1990 invasion have become “a thing of the past.” “The bilateral relations will be back to normal if not better because Iraq expressed good intention towards Kuwait, which were highly welcomed by Kuwait in return,” the statement adds.

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Gulf in the News – August 17, 2012

U.S. Reliance on Saudi Oil Heads Back Up

Source: The New York Times (Read full story)

The increase in Saudi oil exports to the United States began slowly last summer and has picked up pace this year. Until then, the United States had decreased its dependence on foreign oil and from the Gulf in particular. This reversal is driven in part by the battle over Iran’s nuclear program. The United States tightened sanctions that hampered Iran’s ability to sell crude, the lifeline of its troubled economy, and Saudi Arabia agreed to increase production to help guarantee that the price did not skyrocket. While prices have remained relatively stable, and Tehran’s treasury has been squeezed, the United States is left increasingly vulnerable to a region in turmoil.

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Gulf in the News – August 15, 2012

Iran-GCC relations based on geopolitical reality

Source: Gulf News (Read full story)

Some believe the recent moves between Iran and the GCC is related to efforts to release the 48 Iranian hostages taken by the Free Syrian Army and the Saudi diplomat kidnapped in Yemen. The Iranian hostages are members of the revolutionary guards, Syrian opposition said. Iran, however, said they are ordinary citizens who travelled to Syria to visit holy sites. Both the Gulf Countries and Iran are keen not to see their political relations hit a “dead-end”, added Naji, in reference to the recent warmth in the relations between the two sides.

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Gulf in the News – August 13, 2012

Tanker Leaves Gash in U.S. Destroyer After Collision Near Strait of Hormuz

Source: New York Times (Read full story)

The collision tore a hole about 10 feet by 10 feet in the right side of the destroyer, the Porter, above the water line. No one on the Porter or the other vessel, a Japanese-owned bulk oil carrier called the Otowasan, was hurt, the Navy said in a statement.

The Navy said that the collision, which happened about 1 a.m., was not “combat related,” but that its cause had not been determined. Greg Raelson, a spokesman for the Navy, said Sunday afternoon that the destroyer had reached port in Jebel Ali, Dubai.

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