2013 Summer Intern Model Arab League Scheduled for July 20

Students at the 2012 Summer Intern Model Arab League.

The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations is organizing a special one-day Summer Intern Model Arab League conference on Saturday, July 20, for students in the Washington, DC area. The free program will be held at Georgetown University and features four councils where students will assume the role of diplomats to tackle some of the toughest issues facing the international community. All interns and students in the Washington, DC area are invited to participate in this interactive leadership development program.

Registration for the conference is done on an individual basis, although students may choose to coordinate their registration to represent the same country as a friend or coworker on different councils. Assignments will be given on a first-come, first-serve basis. Participation is free of charge, and includes a free lunch and a social event in the evening.

Visit the Summer Intern MAL webpage to learn more. Any questions can be emailed to programs@ncusar.org.