The Gulf Cooperation Council at 31: Implications of Trends and Indications for GCC and US Interests

U.S.-GCC Corporate Cooperation CommitteeOn May 24, 2012, the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations and the U.S.-GCC Corporate Cooperation Committee hosted “The Gulf Cooperation Council at 31: Implications of Trends and Indications for GCC and US Interests” at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, DC. Participating specialists were: Dr. Odeh Aburdene, Ms. Randa Fahmy Hudome, Mr. Andrew Rabens, Mr. Robert Sharp, Ms. Molly Williamson, and Mr. Joshua Yaphe. National Council Founding President and CEO Dr. John Duke Anthony served as moderator. A podcast, video, and transcription of the program is available below.

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