The Carolinas Committee on U.S.-Arab Relations (CCUSAR), with Dr. Joe P. Dunn serving as Director, is an initiative of the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations. Dr. Dunn is an alumni of the Malone Fellowship in Arab and Islamic Studies Program, the coordinator of the Southeast Model Arab League, and the faculty advisor heading the Converse College Model Arab League program. CCUSAR recently published its Spring 2014 “NEWSLINES” newsletter featuring:
- a Model Arab League (MAL) reunion at Converse College, including students who participated in Converse College’s first MAL teams in 1988-89;
- recaps from the 2014 Southeast and National MALs where Converse College won top delegation awards;
- reflections on developments in Tunisia from Dr. Cathy Jones, Associate Professor of French & Italian at Converse College;
- Dr. Dunn’s reflections on the talents and successes of the latest crop of emerging Arab-U.S. relations leaders from the MAL program at Converse College; and
- a book review of Surge: My Journey with General David Petraeus and the Remaking of the Iraq War by Peter R. Mansoor.
The full issue of CCUSAR’s Spring 2014 NEWSLINES is available for download through the link immediate below.
DOWNLOAD “CCUSAR NEWSLINES (Spring 2014)” (.pdf file)