Examining Saudi Arabia’s Humanitarian Outreach: A Conversation with H.E. Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah

On April 15, 2021, the National Council convened an online program, “Examining Saudi Arabia’s Humanitarian Outreach: A Conversation with H.E. Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah.”



Joining the program were:

Featured Specialist:

  • His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah, King Salman Humanitarian Aid & Relief Centre Supervisor General; Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Royal Court Advisor; Former Saudi Arabia Minister of Health.


  • Colonel (Ret.) Abbas K. Dahouk, Former U.S. Department of State Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Senior Military Advisor; Former Embassy of the United States in Saudi Arabia Defense and Army Attaché; HyphenPoint LLC President; National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Board of Directors Member.

Welcome and Context Provider:

  • Dr. John Duke Anthony, National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Founding President and CEO.

Audio and video recordings of the program are available above and below, and on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and elsewhere.

“Examining Saudi Arabia’s Humanitarian Outreach: A Conversation with H.E. Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah” podcast (.mp3)

Regional Dynamics in Context: A Conversation with H.E. Walid Joumblatt

On April 12, 2021, the National Council convened an online program, “Regional Dynamics in Context: A Conversation with H.E. Walid Joumblatt.”



Joining the program were:

Featured Specialist:

  • H.E. Walid Joumblatt, Progressive Socialist Party (Lebanon) President; Lebanese politician and leader.


  • Colonel (Ret.) Abbas K. Dahouk, Former U.S. Department of State Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Senior Military Advisor; Former Embassy of the United States in Saudi Arabia Defense and Army Attaché; HyphenPoint LLC President; National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Board of Directors Member.

Welcome and Context Provider:

  • Dr. John Duke Anthony, National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Founding President and CEO.

Audio and video recordings of the program are available above and below, and on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and elsewhere.

“Regional Dynamics in Context: A Conversation with H.E. Walid Joumblatt” podcast (.mp3)

Changing Security Dynamics of the Middle East North Africa Region

On March 24, 2021, the National Council convened an online program exploring “Changing Security Dynamics of the Middle East North Africa Region.”



Joining the program were:

Featured Specialist:

  • Dr. Anthony H. Cordesman, Center for Strategic and International Studies Arleigh A. Burke Chair in Strategy; Consultant to the U.S. State Department, Defense Department, and intelligence community; Former Office of the Secretary of Defense Director of Intelligence Assessment.


  • Mr. David Des Roches, U.S. Department of Defense National Defense University Near East/South Asia Center for Strategic Studies Associate Professor; National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Senior International Affairs Fellow.

Welcome and Context Provider:

  • Dr. John Duke Anthony, National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Founding President and CEO.

Audio and video recordings of the program are available above and below, and on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and elsewhere.

“Changing Security Dynamics of the Middle East North Africa Region” podcast (.mp3)

Examining Dynamics in Iraq: A Conversation with Ambassador Dr. Fareed Yasseen

On March 22, 2021, the National Council convened an online program, “Examining Dynamics in Iraq: A Conversation with Ambassador Dr. Fareed Yasseen.”



Joining the program were:

Featured Specialist:

  • H.E. Dr. Fareed Yasseen, Ambassador of Iraq to the United States of America; former Ambassador of Iraq to France.


  • Colonel (Ret.) Abbas K. Dahouk, Former U.S. Department of State Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Senior Military Advisor; Former Embassy of the United States in Saudi Arabia Defense and Army Attaché; HyphenPoint LLC President; National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Board of Directors Member.

Welcome and Context Provider:

  • Dr. John Duke Anthony, National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Founding President and CEO.

Audio and video recordings of the program are available above and below, and on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and elsewhere.

“Examining Dynamics in Iraq: A Conversation with Ambassador Dr. Fareed Yasseen” podcast (.mp3)

League of Arab States Secretary-General to Address Youth Leadership Development Program

Groundbreaking National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Event


Students in the Youth Leadership Development Program / Model Arab League role-play as diplomats representing different Arab countries. As they analyze and address issues from a perspective different than their own, they dramatically improve their ability to think critically and empathetically.

Washington, D.C.: During the final weekend in March, the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations (“National Council” / “Council”) will host the leader of the Arab region’s oldest regional organization. His Excellency Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States (“Arab League”), will address the Council’s forthcoming 38th Annual National Youth Leadership Development / Model Arab League Conference. The Secretary-General will make remarks to the Council’s student-led forum virtually from the League’s headquarters in Cairo, Egypt.

Background and Context

Each school year, the National Council convenes as many as 25 different Youth Leadership Development Program / Model Arab League conferences. The forums are held in more than 20 cities throughout the United States, reaching a large and diverse collection of future American and Arab leaders.

Since its establishment 38 years ago, the National Council’s Youth Leadership Development Program has produced over 50,000 alumni. Many of the former participants now serve as elected and appointed leaders, prominent diplomats, national security analysts, commanders in the United States and other countries’ armed forces, international media correspondents, international business executives, and a broad range of other roles and positions where they work to sustain and deepen the Arab-U.S. relationship.

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“Saudi Arabia Transformation: Uncertainty and Sustainability” Book Discussion

On February 16, 2021, the National Council and the U.S.-Saudi Business Council convened an online book discussion of Saudi Arabia Transformation: Uncertainty and Sustainability.



Joining the program were:

Featured Specialist:

  • Dr. Turki Faisal Al Rasheed, Author, Saudi Arabia Transformation: Uncertainty and Sustainability (Routledge 2021); Golden Grass, Inc. Founder and Chief Executive Officer; University of Arizona College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Adjunct Professor.


  • Dr. Paul Joyce, University of Birmingham (UK) Institute of Local Government Studies Associate; Leeds Beckett University Visiting Professor in Public Management; International Institute of Administrative Sciences Publications Director.

Moderator and Discussant:

  • Mr. H. Delano Roosevelt, U.S.-Saudi Business Council President and CEO.

Welcome and Context Provider:

  • Dr. John Duke Anthony, National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Founding President and CEO.

Audio and video recordings of the program are available above and below, and on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and elsewhere.

“‘Saudi Arabia Transformation: Uncertainty and Sustainability’ Book Discussion” podcast (.mp3)

The Biden Presidency, the GCC, and Iran

On January 28, 2021, the National Council convened an online program exploring “The Biden Presidency, the GCC, and Iran.”



Joining the program were:

Featured Specialists:

  • Dr. Mohammed S. Alsulami, Rasanah: International Institute for Iranian Studies Founder and Chairman.
  • Mr. Norman Roule, Former United States National Intelligence Manager for Iran; United Against a Nuclear Iran Senior Advisor.
  • Mr. David Des Roches, U.S. Department of Defense National Defense University Near East/South Asia Center for Strategic Studies Associate Professor; National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Senior International Affairs Fellow.

Moderator and Discussant:

  • Mr. Joshua Yaphe, National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Scholar-in-Residence.

Welcome and Context Provider:

  • Dr. John Duke Anthony, National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Founding President and CEO.

Audio and video recordings of the program are available above and below, and on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and elsewhere.

“The Biden Presidency, the GCC, and Iran” podcast (.mp3)

Egypt’s Evolving Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities

On January 14, 2021, the National Council convened an online program exploring “Egypt’s Evolving Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities.”



Joining the program were:

Featured Specialist:

  • H.E. Motaz Zahran, Ambassador of Egypt to the United States; Former Egypt Assistant Foreign Minister and Chief of Cabinet at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Moderator and Discussant:

  • Former U.S. Representative Ed Royce, Former Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from California (1993-2019) and Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee (2013-2019); Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP Policy Director.

Welcome and Context Provider:

  • Dr. John Duke Anthony, National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Founding President and CEO.

Audio and video recordings of the program are available above and below, and on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and elsewhere.

“Egypt’s Evolving Landscape: Challenges and Opportunities” podcast (.mp3)