Short-Term Pain, Long-Term Opportunity in Saudi Arabia

On June 17, 2020, the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations and the Middle East Council of American Chambers of Commerce convened a discussion exploring business and investment dynamics in Saudi Arabia titled “Short-Term Pain, Long-Term Opportunity: Taking Stock of an Extraordinary Moment in the Saudi Arabian-United States Business Relationship.”



Joining the program were:

Featured Specialists:

  • Mr. Christopher Johnson, Middle East Council of American Chambers of Commerce Chairman; Attorney based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; KKR Saudi Limited Chairman.
  • Mr. H. Delano Roosevelt, U.S.-Saudi Arabian Business Council President and Chief Executive Officer; Former Middle East Council of American Chambers of Commerce Chairman; National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Board of Directors Member.
  • Mr. Ahmed Abuzinadah, Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington, D.C. Commercial Attaché.

Context Provider and Moderator:

  • Dr. John Duke Anthony, National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Founding President and CEO.

Welcoming Remarks:

  • Mr. Patrick Mancino, National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Executive Vice President and Director of Development.

Audio and video recordings of the program are available above and below, and on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and elsewhere.



“Short-Term Pain, Long-Term Opportunity: Taking Stock of an Extraordinary Moment in the Saudi Arabian-United States Business Relationship” podcast (.mp3)

Carolinas Committee on U.S.-Arab Relations Spring 2019 “NEWSLINES”

The Carolinas Committee on U.S.-Arab Relations (CCUSAR), with Dr. Joe P. Dunn serving as Director, is an initiative of the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations. Dr. Dunn is an alumni of the Malone Fellowship in Arab and Islamic Studies Program, the coordinator of the Southeast Model Arab League, and the faculty advisor heading the Converse College Model Arab League program.

CCUSAR recently published its Spring 2019 “NEWSLINES” newsletter, available for download through the link below.


National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Hosts U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia John Abizaid

The National Council honored Ambassador John Abizaid ahead of his departure for Saudi Arabia.

On April 15, 2019, the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations was honored to host an evening discussion with newly-appointed United States Ambassador to Saudi Arabia John Abizaid. Attendees from the National Council included Founding President and CEO Dr. John Duke Anthony, Chairman John Pratt, and Executive Vice President Patrick Mancino. Joining the discussion were State Department Deputy Assistant Secretary for Arabian Gulf Affairs Timothy Lenderking, LEO A DALY Chairman and CEO Leo A. Daly III, Chargé D’affaires of the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Washington Sami Al-Sadhan, and select American private sector leaders.

National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Presents Global Interfaith Peace Award to His Excellency Dr. Sheikh Mohammad Ibn Abdulkarim Alissa

Washington, DC: On February 15, 2019, in Washington, DC, the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations was honored and privileged to present its GLOBAL INTERFAITH PEACE AWARD to His Excellency Dr. Sheikh Mohammad Ibn Abdulkarim Alissa. The Award was conveyed in recognition of His Excellency’s efforts to promote peace and justice through interfaith dialogue and understanding.

Muslim World League Secretary General H.E. Dr. Sheikh Mohammad Ibn Abdulkarim Alissa with National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Founding President & CEO Dr. John Duke Anthony.

Sheikh Alissa is the Secretary General of the Muslim World League, an international, non-governmental Islamic organization based in the Holy City of Makkah, Saudi Arabia. He is also Chairman of the International Body of Muslim Scholars. Sheikh Alissa additionally serves as the General Supervisor at the Ideological Warfare Center of Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Defense as well as a Member of the Senior Scholars Organization in Saudi Arabia.

Sheikh Alissa has hosted dialogues around the world to promote tolerance, co-existence, and peace. A leading voice for moderation, he lectures regularly in Saudi Arabia and abroad about Islamic jurisprudence and judicial theories as well as comparative legal and religious systems. He has authored numerous books and publications on legal, doctrinal, and human rights issues.

Jeddah: Gateway to Makkah and A Living Cultural Artifact

Paige Peterson is the Executive Vice President of the Huntsman Cancer Foundation and a board member of the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations in Washington, D.C.

This photo essay illustrates her visit to Jeddah’s Old City, on the Red Sea, in Saudi Arabia.



Health conferences are held everywhere but there is a special pleasure in attending one in Jeddah. Having visited the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia many times for the Huntsman Cancer Foundation, I have experienced the genuine warmth of Arab hospitality. To have the opportunity to visit friends there and attend the Saudi American Health Care Forum in Jeddah was a double pleasure.

Accepting an award on behalf of the Huntsman Cancer Foundation from Adel A. Shakoor and HRH Prince Mish’al bin Majed bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Governor of Jeddah.

While in Jeddah, I was invited to stay in the guesthouse of my dear friend Fawzia Algosaibi, wife of Saleh Alturki, a prominent Saudi Arabian businessman who was recently named Mayor of Jeddah. What was planned as a two week trip turned into a stay of almost two months but my hosts were beyond gracious. Their hospitality gave me precious time to tour the western seaboard of Saudi Arabia.

With Saleh Alturki, Mayor of Jeddah.

I spent time exploring and photographing the once walled-in city of Old Jeddah, which was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2014. It’s a cliché to say that a picture can be worth a thousand words. These pictures were worth more than that for me — this visit was like time travel, transporting me to another century. It’s a privilege to share my story here.



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Madain Saleh: An Archeological Marvel in the Saudi Arabian Desert

Paige Peterson is the Executive Vice President of the Huntsman Cancer Foundation in Salt Lake City, Utah, and a board member of the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations in Washington, D.C.

This photo essay illustrates her visit to Madain Saleh, one of Saudi Arabia’s “hidden treasures.”



When he was the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to the United States, Foreign Minister Adel Al-Jubeir gave me an extended visa. He had two good reasons for doing that. One was professional. I am the Executive Vice President of the Huntsman Cancer Foundation, where one of my missions has been to build alliances with Saudi Arabia’s excellent cancer researchers. The other was personal. As a writer and photographer, I was endlessly curious about Saudi Arabia’s people — and its landscape.

It’s a cliché to say that a picture can be worth a thousand words. These pictures were worth more than that for me — they are the story of a rare and extraordinary adventure. It’s a privilege to share it here.


Map depicting location of Saudi Arabia

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is located on the continent of Asia. It shares land borders with 8 countries: Kuwait, Iraq, Yemen, Qatar, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, and Jordan. Saudi Arabia’s geography is dominated by the Rub’ al Khali desert, the second largest desert in the world with only the Sahara being larger. The Kingdom’s population is over 28,000,000.

Saudi Arabia is the 13th largest nation in terms of land area. The United States is about 5 times bigger than the Kingdom. Saudi Arabia is four times the size of France, western Europe’s largest country.

Two bodies of water border Saudi Arabia, the Arabian Sea to the East and the Red Sea to the West.

The flight to Al-Ula was one hour and fifteen minutes from Jeddah.

Prince Abdul Majeed bin Abdulaziz Airport.

Upon arrival, we were greeted by local nature photographers who had an exhibition of their work at the airport. Notice the distinctive ways men can wear their ghutra (headscarf).

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Carolinas Committee on U.S.-Arab Relations Spring 2018 “NEWSLINES”

CCUSAR NEWSLINES NewsletterThe Carolinas Committee on U.S.-Arab Relations (CCUSAR), with Dr. Joe P. Dunn serving as Director, is an initiative of the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations. Dr. Dunn is an alumni of the Malone Fellowship in Arab and Islamic Studies Program, the coordinator of the Southeast Model Arab League, and the faculty advisor heading the Converse College Model Arab League program. CCUSAR recently published its Spring 2018 “NEWSLINES” newsletter featuring:

  • an essay on “My ‘Gateway’ to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia” by Converse College student Laura Gill, summarizing a study visit to Saudi Arabia made possible by her participation in the Model Arab League program;
  • recaps from the 2018 Southeast and National Model Arab League debate forums where Converse College won top delegation awards;
  • a Model Arab League testimonial, “The Benefits of Debate: A Call to Support Model Arab League Participation,” from a South Carolina high school student;
  • a reflection from Dr. Dunn, titled “Planting Trees and Building Orchards,” about the educational community that Converse College’s Model Arab League program has fostered; and
  • a book review of Nadia Murad’s The Last Girl: My Story of Captivity, and My Fight Against the Islamic State.

The full issue of CCUSAR’s Spring 2018 NEWSLINES is available for download through the link below.


Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s Upcoming Visit to America: Implications and Opportunities for the US-Saudi Arabian Relationship

On March 15, 2018, the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations and the U.S.-GCC Corporate Cooperation Committee hosted a public affairs briefing exploring “Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s Upcoming Visit to America: Implications and Opportunities for the U.S.-Saudi Arabian Relationship” in Washington, DC.

Mr. Khush Choksy, Senior Vice President for Middle East and Turkey Affairs at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, discusses U.S.-Saudi Arabia trade and investment relations at NCUSAR’s March 15, 2018 public affairs briefing.

The featured specialists were:

  • Mr. Nawaf Al Thari, Distinguished International Affairs Fellow, National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations, and Political Adviser and Counter-Terrorism & Counter-Piracy Focal Point, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Permanent Mission to the United Nations;
  • Mr. Fahad Nazer, International Affairs Fellow, National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations, and Consultant, Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington, DC;
  • Mr. David Des Roches, Senior International Affairs Fellow, National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations, and Associate Professor, Near East/South Asia Center for Strategic Studies, National Defense University, U.S. Department of Defense;
  • Mr. Khush Choksy, Senior Vice President for Middle East and Turkey Affairs, U.S. Chamber of Commerce;
  • Mr. Mike Ryan, Strategic Markets Advisor, U.S.-Saudi Arabian Business Council; and
  • Colonel Abbas K. Dahouk, Former U.S. Defense and Army Attaché in Saudi Arabia (2013-2017).

Dr. John Duke Anthony, Founding President and CEO, National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations, served as context provider and moderator.

A podcast recording of the program is available below.



“Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman’s Upcoming Visit to America: Implications and Opportunities for the US-Saudi Arabian Relationship” podcast (.mp3)