Gulf in the News – November 7, 2012

Commentary: Saudi Arbitration Court in the UK?

Source: Saudi-US Trade Group (Read full story)

If this new “court” as it is called in the press will allow parties to easily and efficiently enforce foreign awards in Saudi Arabia, that would be its main and significant benefit.  As it stands now, it is very difficult to enforce foreign judgments and awards in Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi Courts have procedures for the enforcement of judgments obtained in a foreign jurisdiction to which a party has submitted in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia subject to Article 8(1)(g) of Royal Decree No. M/51 dated 17/7/1402 H., corresponding to [11/05/1982 (G)] (the Grievances Board Law).  The Grievances Board Law grants the Grievances Board the authority to accept applications for the enforcement in Saudi Arabia of foreign judgments.

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Gulf in the News – November 5, 2012

Opposition urges demonstrators to avoid clash with police – ‘No more cooperation with PM’

Source: Kuwait Times (Read full story)

The opposition insisted that the gathering in which scores of people were reportedly arrested was a peaceful demonstration. Al-Barrak urged his supporters on Friday to take part in the second demonstration planned for tonight, while urging them to maintain peace. “Expose them by avoiding retaliation if you are beaten by special task forces,” Al-Barrak added. Meanwhile, Bin Jame’a addressed a capacity crowd where he criticized the use of violence against demonstrators, but also rejected the sit-ins and marches “that add fuel to the fire and lead to unnecessary confrontations.” Pledging allegiance to HH the Amir, Bin Jame’a called for a return to the old voting mechanism as he reiterated the Awazem’s decision to join the opposition in boycotting the elections.

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Gulf in the News – November 2, 2012

Oman traders in Musandam fear Iran strike

Click HereSource: The National (Read full story)

Those risks raise difficult questions for the United States, where Iran has figured at the top of the presidential election campaign agenda. Yet some of the US’s strongest allies – countries such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait – stand to suffer the most from a military strike. Oman offers just a taste of the impact. Thousands of workers are employed by the trade between Oman Northern Province and Iran, which the office of the governor of Musandam estimates are worth about US$50 million (Dh183.5 million) a year. In addition to products sent towards Iran, return trips carry carpets, livestock, nuts, fruits and vegetables back to Musandam.

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Gulf in the News – October 31, 2012

Muslim Brotherhood role in GCC to be debated at summit

Source: Gulf News (Read full story)

The threat of the Muslim Brotherhood will be discussed by the leaders of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) leaders at their meeting in Bahrain in December, Kuwaiti media claimed.

The request to include the Gulf role of the Islamist organisation in the summit agenda was made by a GCC country, Kuwait Arabic newspaper Al Shahedreported on Tuesday.

“The country said that the summit should discuss the role of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Gulf countries and that the issue should be given priority because of its serious implications,” government sources told the Kuwaiti newspaper.

Gulf in the News – October 22, 2012

New assertiveness in UAE foreign policy

Source: Gulf News, author: Abdulkhaleq Abdulla, Special to Gulf News (Read full story)

The UAE foreign policy priorities are sensibly changing to accommodate the contemporary global and regional realities. However, external influences aside, the noticeable change in UAE foreign policy is mainly a reflection of the “formal and the informal domestic sociopolitical structures” of the present state.

The UAE has changed massively and beyond recognition since December 2, 1971. The UAE at 40 is no longer the small, young, vulnerable and oil-centred country that it was in 1971. The 21st century UAE is an economic and financial power house, a rising military actor, a regional hub and a global brand that rubs shoulders with big powers and has friends and allies all over the planet. Some might still think of the UAE as a relatively small oil-state, but it is, as the dissertation claims, “a small state with a positively big ego”.

Gulf in the News – October 19, 2012

Shoura set to welcome women members

Source: Arab News (Read full story)


King Abdullah also announced that women would have the right to run and vote in the 2015 municipal elections. Women in the GCC countries and elsewhere have warmly welcomed the king’s initiative.
The Shoura Council has set up an ad hoc commission to look into the measures and procedures to be taken to ensure a smooth welcome and an adequate working atmosphere for the women members in 2013.
At present the Shoura has 12 women advisers whose work is related mainly to the issues of women, families and children. According to a report carried by Al-Sharq newspaper, authorities have started efforts to pick qualified women. A special commission, headed by the king, will look into the nominees to finalize the list.

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Gulf in the News – October 18, 2012

Top priority to Kuwait security, stability – Interior clarifies stand

Source: Kuwait Times (Read full story)

It expressed hope that those activists would take into consideration the higher interests of Kuwait, and place them higher than personal ones. Some young men have been incited to carry out riots and violence and promote such acts on the social networking sites with the aim of portraying an inaccurate image abroad about conditions in the country. It warned these young activists that they would find them alone facing justice, while their supporters would back off. Meanwhile, the Interior Ministry denied rumors about the refusal of some members of the special forces to participate in breaking up the riots and stop violence caused by the demonstrators in the square opposite of the National Assembly.

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Gulf in the News – October 15, 2012

Bahrain summons Iran’s charge d’affaires

Source: Gulf News  (Read full story)

The Bahraini official also demanded an end to the Iranian interference in Bahrain’s domestic affairs and to incitement through its media and relations and contacts with some forces in the country.

Iran should also be committed to international diplomatic rules, international relations, the principle of good neighbourliness and the United Nations charter which reject all forms of direct or indirect interference in the internal affairs of other countries under any form. They also ban any form of political, religious or media incitement, including lies, allegations and jamming radio and television programming.