Gulf in the News – March 4, 2013

Saudi foreign minister calls for arms embargo on Syrian regime

Source: Al Arabiya (Read full story)

Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal called on Monday after meeting with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry for imposing an arms embargo against the Syrian regime, adding that embattled President Bashar al-Assad has lost control on all of Syria.  Prince al-Faisal stressed Saudi Arabia’s support for the Syrian people right for self-defense against the brutal crackdown of the President Assad’s forces. The United States will continue to work with its “friends to empower the Syrian opposition,” Kerry told reporters. Asked about reports of arms being sent to the rebels from countries such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia, Kerry replied: “The moderate opposition has the ability to make sure that the weapons are getting to them and not to the wrong hands.”

Kerry Arrives In Saudi Arabia After Releasing Aid to Egypt

Source: Voice of America (Read full story)

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has arrived in Saudi Arabia’s capital, Riyadh, after a stop in Cairo where he pledged renewed financial assistance to Egypt. During a meeting with Egypt’s President Mohamed Morsi on Sunday, Kerry said the U.S. will provide $190 million immediately as part of a larger $450 million assistance package to spur crucial economic reforms. He also said Washington will give an additional $60 million for a new enterprise fund to support Egyptian entrepreneurs and young people.

GCC regrets Iranian intervention

Source: Arab News (Read full story)

In his opening statement at the GCC ministerial meeting, Bahraini Foreign Minister Sheikh Khaled bin Ahmad wAl-Khalifa gave a brief overview of the meeting agenda and the topics that deserve special attention. On the question of Iran, he said that “the Gulf states had always tried to maintain good neighborly relations with Iran, but unfortunately, Iran still intervenes in the GCC’s internal affairs and occupies the UAE islands of Abu Musa and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs.” He said that Iran rejected any discussion or peaceful solution through negotiation and international arbitration.

Yemeni president holds rare meeting with southern separatists

Source: The Peninsula (Read full story)

Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi met southern separatists for the first time in Aden yesterday ahead of a conference aimed at drafting a new constitution before elections in 2014, the state news agency said. Hadi, elected in 2012 after a year of turmoil that drove the US-allied country to the brink of civil war, promised the separatists a fair solution to their grievances ahead of the so-called conference of national dialogue which aims to put the country on the course to full democratic elections next year.

Opposition Groups Join Forces in New Alliance

Source: Kuwait Times (Read full story)

Opposition groups and activists have been discussing the formation of the coalition for the past several weeks in a bid to form a strong broad-based opposition alliance capable of applying pressure on the government. The constitutional court meanwhile yesterday postponed until April 1 challenges against the electoral law and several results of the Dec 1 Assembly elections in order to allow lawyers to prepare their final arguments. More than 50 petitions were submitted against the electoral law and results of the polls last year and the constitutional court has been reviewing the cases since then.

Etihad Airways launches biggest TV advertising campaign

Source: The National (Read full story)

The Etihad launch coincides with a similar push by Turkish Airlines, which plans to spend up to US$120 million (Dh440.7m) on advertising this year. Etihad’s campaign, which starts on Sunday, is set to air across television networks in the carrier’s key markets – the UAE, Australia, China, Germany, India, Japan, the United Kingom, the United States and Nigeria. He declined to disclose figures of the total investment, but said the campaign would also be supported by print, outdoor and social media advertising.