Model Arab League Update – April 2013

Student delegates display their award certificates at the National University Model Arab League in Washington, DC.

The National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations’ Model Arab League program saw the successful completion of six Models during April. University conferences were held in Santa Barbara, California (April 5-7); Missoula, Montana (April 10-12); Commerce, Texas (April 11-13); Santa Rosa, California (April 11-13); and the National University Model Arab League was in Washington, DC (April 12-14). The National High School Model Arab League was also held in Washington, DC (April 19-20). Below are a collection of stories detailing some schools’ experience at recent MALs.

Students and schools wishing to participate in the Model Arab League program in coming school years should contact the National Council’s Director of Student Programs Megan Geissler or Deputy Director of Student Programs Josh Hilbrand to learn how to get involved.