Examining Saudi Arabia’s Humanitarian Outreach: A Conversation with H.E. Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah

On April 15, 2021, the National Council convened an online program, “Examining Saudi Arabia’s Humanitarian Outreach: A Conversation with H.E. Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah.”



Joining the program were:

Featured Specialist:

  • His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah, King Salman Humanitarian Aid & Relief Centre Supervisor General; Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Royal Court Advisor; Former Saudi Arabia Minister of Health.


  • Colonel (Ret.) Abbas K. Dahouk, Former U.S. Department of State Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Senior Military Advisor; Former Embassy of the United States in Saudi Arabia Defense and Army Attaché; HyphenPoint LLC President; National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Board of Directors Member.

Welcome and Context Provider:

  • Dr. John Duke Anthony, National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations Founding President and CEO.

Audio and video recordings of the program are available above and below, and on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and elsewhere.

“Examining Saudi Arabia’s Humanitarian Outreach: A Conversation with H.E. Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah” podcast (.mp3)